Abrams Suggests Abortion Is ‘Economic Imperative,’ Particularly Now amid High Inflation

by Just the News Staff


Stacey Abrams on Wednesday implied that abortion can and is used by women to help keep costs down amid rising inflation.

During an interview on MSNBC with “Morning Joe’s” host Mike Barnicle remarked that abortion “nowhere reaches the level of interest to voters” as does sky-high inflation prices for groceries, gas and other consumer products.

“What could you do as governor to alleviate the concerns of Georgia voters about those livability…issues that they’re confronted with?” Barnicle asked Abrams.

“Let’s be clear: Having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas, it’s why you’re concerned about how much food costs,” Abrams responded.

“For women, this is not a reductive issue,” she continued. “You can’t divorce being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy from the economic realities of having a child. And so these are – it’s important for us to have both/and conversations.”

Abrams urged viewers “not pretend that women, half the population, especially those of child-bear age, they understand that having a child is absolutely an economic issue,” she said.

“It’s only politicians who see it as simply another cultural conversation. It is a real biological and economic imperative conversation that we need to have,” she claimed.

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Photo “Stacey Abrams” by Stacey Abrams.





Reprinted with permission from Just the News

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